A different kind of company event

Meaningful and meaningful' are increasingly on the list of what makes an employer attractive. This applies to daily work, but why not also to company outings? Being active together in green surroundings is fun and it also gives you a good feeling. There are various organisations in the Wadden area that would be happy to put together a company or team day out. After a short explanation about the area you will be working in and what needs to be done, you will set off. The organisation always takes into account the composition of the team. There is always something to arrange.

Working together

Curious about the possibilities? Then ask the following organisations:

Would you like to spend a day on Texel? Then contact forester Anna Sprenkeling.

Het Groninger Landschap
Working together in and for the Groninger landscape? Ask Petra van der Meer for more information. 

Wadden Association
With your department in action for the Wadden Sea? Ask Renate de Backere.

Wind through your hair and take on a green job on Texel? Want to know more? Mail with forester Loran Tinga. Working with the forester of Natuurmonumenten for nature on Schiermonnikoog? Jan Willem Zwart is happy to inform you about what is possible.

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